Monitoring and Management Information System (MIS)
A centralized web-based Management Information System (MIS) has been put in place for monitoring and implementation of the
scheme. MIS shall act as an integrated platform for registration and empanelment of Implementing Agencies. All aspects of
programme management and implementation such as submission of proposals, release of funds, enrolment of candidates,
functioning of training, physical verification, assessment, placement, post-placement tracking etc. will be managed through MIS.
The release of funds will be linked to physical progress updated on the MIS.
A Mobile Application for different stakeholders TC Coordinator, Inspection Agency, beneficiaries and grievance redressal with
Geo-tag, timestamp and linked to the MIS modules.
Call centre setup with helpline/ Toll free number linked to MIS and Public Dashboard.
(ii) Empanelment:- ESAAC LLP has got EMPANELMENT in October'2018
(iii) Assessors:- 35 Assessors have got Accreditation.
(iv) Sectors:- Garment, Knitting, Processing, Handloom, Silk , Manmade fibres and Handicrafts.
(v) States:- Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra, Gujarat
(vi) Assessment period:- To commence.